Roberto's Blog

Welcome To My Media Studies Blog!

  • Blog #30: Final Product

    May 3, 2020 by

    The Final Product is now completed and this experience has had its ups and downs but it was overall pretty fun to make a whole film indoors and virtually. We believe that it came out pretty good and we are excited for the future of our film-making.

  • Blog #29: Filming and Editing Experience

    May 3, 2020 by

    Filming our final product was probably the hardest part of the whole process. Throughout the week we were experiencing difficulties with our group members where some couldn’t go on Zoom to film while others weren’t responding to texts or anything. We finally had a day to film our individual parts and our group parts after… Read more

  • Blog #27: Final Script

    April 30, 2020 by

    Above is the final script for the film. The working script will be posted once we finish filming and made revisions.

  • Blog #26: Quarantined

    April 29, 2020 by

    Since last time I blogged, many things have changed drastically. Now me and my group have to make a brand new film from scratch about the quarantined life. We decided to keep to our original genre which was horror since we could use some of what we did with our old research and implement it… Read more

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